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Friday, September 17, 2010

Higher Google Adwords Clickthrough Rates

1. Target our ads to the right Audience.
we do this by selecting keywords and phrases which are relevant to our product or service. Avoid keywords that are too general because although they generate a large number of impressions, they often generate very few clicks. To improve our CTR, use more descriptive phrases so that our ads will only appear to prospective customers searching for what we have to offer.

2. Use the correct keyword matching option(s).
Google offers four different methods of targeting our ads by keywords: Broad Match, Phrase Match, Exact Match and Negative keyword. By applying the most focused matching options to our keywords, we can reach more targeted prospects, improve our CTR, reduce our cost-per-click and increase our return on investment.

3. Target our ads by location and language.
When creating our adwords campaign target our ads by location so that we maximise our sales and improve our CTR. Target the right audience by selecting the language and countries that we want to reach.

4. Use our main keywords in the Title or Body Text of our ad.
By using our keywords in the title or ad body text of our ad, it will stand out from our competitors and grab the eye of our prospective customers.

5. Create different Ad Groups for different search phrases/keywords.
This will allow us to refine our ads and test them for relevance and therefore maximise our clickthrough rates. For example, if our service offers loans, we can create different ad groups for home equity loans (and all other phrases that incorporate this phrase), consolidation loans, student loans and so on.

6. Calculate what we can afford to pay for each clickthrough.
we will find that more focused keywords and search phrases have a higher conversion ratio than other more general keywords. It's a good strategy to pay more for clicks from keywords or phrases with a high conversion ratio than from the more general keyword groups.

7. Use highly targeted Keywords and search phrases.
Be specific when selecting keywords and search phrases for our campaign. General keywords will be more expensive and will result in lower clickthrough rates. If we're bidding on general keywords that are relevant to our site consider using the exact match and the Phrase match keyword matching options in order to increase our CTR.

8. Test and monitor our ads to get the best clickthrough rates.
Refine and fine-tune our ad to maximise click throughs. With
Google we can do this in real time. we can do this by creating different ads for each ad group and then checking which ads have the best clickthrough rates.

9. Give Google users a compelling reason to click on our ad link.
The easiest way to do this is to provide something of value for free. we can also achieve this if we tailor each keyword to our offer and use relevant terms/ words in both the title and the ad body. Use a different ad for each keyword group or search term. This increases relevance and the likelihood that Google users will click on it.

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