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Sunday, September 19, 2010

A very Simple, step by step process to Google adwords success.

The immediate goals of our campaign is to

1. Have a high click through rate (CTR)
2. and a low cost per click (CPC)

These two parameters, together, put our ad in a good position (typical 1st to 6th position) on the search results page.
Google adwords is unlike other pay per click search engines where the highest bidder gets the highest position. Google wants to present the most relevant ads, matched with the keywords that generated these ads to searchers. So that a high click through rate means our ad is relevant to searchers even if the CPC is low.

If our ad is presented (impressions) 1000 times and the CTR is less than 0.5% of the number of impressions, our ad gets slowed by Google and could eventually be disabled. If our ad is slowed we can edit it and run it again.

So here is our dilemma. To generate a decent CTR we need a good position. To get a good position we need a popular (competitive) keyword. Using a popular keyword means we will have to bid high. Yet we want a low CPC in the range of $0.20 to $0.40.

What to do? Look for not so popular keywords. Obscure keywords that few people use to search in clients industry. Very few advertisers will be using them too. Identify many of these keywords. Make sure they aer targetted. Add all the obscure keywords together. This will give us a good list that will generate a good amount of impressions, good CTR and low CPC.

How to get good and obscure keywords:

Use the keywords tools to check for currently used keywords, related keywords and alternative keywords

1. Overture tool http://inventory.overture.com/d/searchinventory/suggestion/
2. Google tool http://adwords.google.com/select/main?and=keywordsandbox
3. Wordtracker http://www.wordtracker.com
4. Espotting http://www.espotting.com/popups/keywordgenbox.asp

There are various ways to discover obscure keywords related to clients industry

1. Use keywords with very low search count at Overture keyword suggestion tool. These are not competitive keywords. They are not often searched on. But remember we are trying to add all obscure keywords to make a great keyword list.
2. Add variations to the keywords generated above. For example market to markets, marketing, marketers marketable.

3. Check clients(if possible) website log and fish out keywords searchers are already using to locate their site or product.

4. Use the thesaurus and dictionary to check for alternative words synonyms. We can use more than on type of dictionary. When checking for meaning of words, we will often see inthe description, alternative words with same meaning as the word we are checking for.

5. Ask friends, family members, what words they will use when searching for our clients product or the theme for clients website.

NOTE: Always keep in mind that, what the keyword tools will give us is a tiny fraction of what millions of people use on the web. The keyword tools at Overture won't give us those keyword count because very few numbers of people use them at a time or period.

Feature provided by Google to achieve our desired CTR:

(1) Excact Match
(2) Phrase Match
(3) Broad Match
(4) Negative Keywords

Exact Match: To designate our keywords for exact match put them in brackets. For example [degree program]. So our ad will only show if "degree program", without the quotes, is searched for. It won't show up for programs degree. This is a highly targeted way of getting visitors to our clients site. Unfortunately, we will get very few impressions using the exact match feature. Though our CTR may be high.

How to use it: Use exact match feature when we are bidding on competitive keywords. Because of the low number of impressions exact match generates, not many advertisers maybe using it. So experiment and at the same time try to lower our CPC.

Phrase Match: To designate our keywords for phrase match include them in quotes. For example "degree program". Our ad will appear when these words are searched for at the search engine. Also when words are added to those. Example, "online degree program" or "degree program online". The main keywords will always appear in the other which we set it. That is degree program and not program degree. Our ads will not appear for "degree easy program". The phrase match generates many impressions. Though not as targeted as the exact match, it more targeted than the broad match option.

How to use it: This is the feature we will most likely be using often. Build a good keyword list. In the degree program example, we will not appear for degree progrer or degree programing so include these and others in our keyword list. One important feature we should use with our phrase match option is the negative keyword. TNegative keywords help to make our keywords more targetted by allowing Google not to add them to our main keywords. When we designate a keyword as negative, Google will not add it when we are using phrase or broad match. If not, negative keywords could make our keywords to have different meaning than what we intended. For example, a word like free. If we are not offering anything for free and free is added to our main keywords, then clicks to our site might be wasted and costing us money. So designating the word free as a negative keyword will make Google not to add it to our keywords.

Broad Match: Broad match is the default setting for Google adwords and our ad is automatically shown for expanded match, plurals and other variations. So be sure to remember to change it when starting a campaign. Choosing the broad match feature allows Google to add other words to our main keywords. This makes this feature to be the least targeted. It produces the most impressions and probably the most CTR. But due to its non-targeted nature, could produce very low conversions or ROI. Using the "degree program" example in broad match, we could have our ads displayed for searches on "locating degree program", "degree program ideas, "free degree" etc.
our keywords will come out in many variations in plurals.

How to use it.
To have an appreciable success in using broad match, we need:
(1) To build three and four keyword phrases. This limits the number of words Google adds to our keywords phrases.
(2) Build a good and extensive negative keyword list.
(3) Use the Google keywords suggestion tool. It will show our words that will appear with keywords. That is expanded matches.

Negative Keywords: This feature is used to eliminate words that could be added to our main keywords. For example, the word free. Just add a minus in front of the word ( ­free ) to make it negative, this word will not be added to our keywords. Example, if our keywords are "degree". our ads will not show for "free degree". It is extremely important to use this feature so as to eliminate unwanted keywords, unwanted meanings and untargeted keyword phrases.

This is also important when we are dealing with children's products. We will need to eliminate porn words so that our money is not wasted. Imagine a user searching for adult content and clicking to our site. Use of negative keywords is an additional way of making our keywords more targeted when we are using the phrase match or broad match options.

How to build a good campaign structure:

Google adwords gives the flexibility to test our ads as much as we want. We can delete ads that are not giving us the right CPC,CTR or ROI. Create more ads to take the place of the deleted ads. Test as many ads as we like until we attain our desired CTR or CPC. But we can only do this if our campaign is properly structured and set out well from the start. we need to know what ads and in what adgroup(s), associated with what keywords, are giving us the required results. And those that are not. So that we can quickly delete the unwanted ads. On this basis we can set out our campaign structure as indicated above. For example, explaining campaign 1.

Start testing our large keyword list by distributing them among the different adgroups. Group keywords
that are:
1. closely related in one adgroup.
2. group keywords that are highly competitive in another adgroup.
3. group keywords that are not competitive.
4. group keywords that are in plural
5. group keywords with misspelled words etc.

If we have different kinds of products with different keywords, create one adgroup for each product. This allows us to create ads specific to keywords for each product . So, we don't have general ads which apply to all our keywords.

The general idea is to group our keywords as we like them so that can easily identify which ones are producing the required results. For each adgroup we can now create different ads. For easy management , 2 or 3 ads per adgroup is okay. I use two ads per adgroup. We can use the same set of keywords we have allocated per adgroup for ads 1, 2, 3. the only difference in the ads will be the title and description. At the ads level we can change any ad that is performing below expectation. delete and write new ads. If it is the keywords that are performing badly, delete that adgroup and create another. However, do not get into the habit of creating and deleting adgoups. If we test and track our results properly at the ads level we will not need to replace any adgroup after deleting it. Our result would have show that the keywords for that adgroup are not profitable and need not be used again. We then research new obscure keywords that we can use.

Note: If we use the same keywords for more than one adgroup only one adgroup will be shown at any point in time. Also Google optimizes ads on an adgroup basis not on keywords basis. Better performing ads gets shown more often. For example,

Keyword : "high heel shoes"
Ad #1 15% CTR
AD #2 5% CTR

When high heel shoes is searched on ad #1 shows more often than ad #2.
Keyword: "low heel shoes"
Ad #1 10% CTR
Ad #2 20% CTR
When low heel shoes is searched on ad #2 shows more often than ad #1.

However, we can choose to remove the optimization feature so that we can test all our ads equally. Achieving our goals.

(1) Producing our best impressions. we need to present our ads to the right searcher ( visitor ).
This is important so our ads are not displayed to the wrong searchers, thereby generating wasteful clicks. For best impressions-
(i) good keyword research
(ii) good negative keywords
(iii) use phrase match

(2) Producing best CTR. The click through Rate (CTR) is the number of times our ad is clicked on compared to the number of times it is viewed, in percentage. So if out of 100 impressions (views) our ad gets clicked once, our CTR is 1%. To produce our best CTR put our main keywords in the title and description of our ads.

(3) Achieving our best return on investment (ROI). To produce our best ROI we must apply the keyword ­ title ­ description approach described above. This gets the searcher to our landing page. The landing page is the page our visitor will first see after clicking on our ad. This page must be specific to the product we are selling or the action we want the searcher to take. Do not send the searcher to our home page unless the action we want the searcher to take is there. So it is keyword ­ title ­ description ­ landing page. We don't want the searcher looking all over our website for what has been described in our ad. Also do not frustrate the searcher by a slow loading page.

(4) Achieving our best cost per click (CPC). The ultimate aim of every advertiser is to have minimum CPC while maintaining a good ad position. Typically position 1 to 6. Even though writing good and enticing ads is the key to a good CTR, having a good keyword list is the key to many targeted impressions. A combination of these two will produce best CPC.

Tips and Tricks
(1) Keyword variation. Here are some easy ways to generate variations in our keywords.

(i) Make keywords plural. Example, niche market to niche markets.
(ii) Adding the ing to verb words. Example, market to marketing.
(iii) Adding er. Example, market to marketer.
(iv) Adding or. Example, invest to investor.
(v) Adding ment. Example, invest to investment
(vi) Adding -. Example ebusiness to e-business.
(vii) Combining and separating words . Example, Web site to Website.
(viii) Common misspellings . Example, successful to successfull
(ix) Interchange words . Example, niche marketing to marketing niche.
(x) Replace words . Example, marketing niche to marketing segment.
(xi) Use American and English spellings. Example, vigor and vigour.

Use these anywhere it is possible in our keywords or keyword phrase.

(2) Tweaking our ad copy: Here are some ways we can use to generate ideas for greater CTR ads.
(i) Study the ads of our competitors. Study the way title and descriptions are written.
(ii) look at the regular result pages when we type in our keywords at Google search engine. Study the description and the title of the sites that come up.
(iii) Use very specific words like download, free, trial etc if it is relevant to our campaign.
(iv) Include the price of our product if we know that it has a comparative advantage.
(v) Emphasize benefits to users in our ads.
(vi) Write out our ad in the best possible way. Do not, at first, limit ourself to the number of words allowed. When we are satisfied then try to reduce it to number of words allowed per line.
(3) Tracking: Tracking the results of our campaign is about the most important aspect of our adwords campaign after building a great keyword list. Tracking helps to indicate where our campaign is heading, good or bad. We need to carefully follow our impressions, CPC, position, etc. All these are present in the report panel of the adwords interface.


There are different situations we will find ourself as we try to achieve and maintain a profitable adwords campaign. Sometimes, we will find that adjusting certain parameters might improve or get worsen our the campaign. The trick is to test. Don't be afraid to test . It is only by testing that we can really get to understand how adwords works and then master it.

Let's look at some situations we might find ourselves in while running our adwords campaign.

(a) This can happen when we are just starting our adwords campaign. We have probably not read enough about the Google adwords program before drawing up our campaign.
(b) Also it can be that we have not done our keyword research very well . We might be using keywords that people hardly search for.
(c) It could also be that our daily budget is so low that Google would not want to exceed our budget. So our ad is presented very few times.

i. Set our daily budget high. Do not worry. Google will not exhaust our daily budget. If our daily budget is set to $100 for example. We will be spending about $10 daily. Or if we set it at $20 we could be spending $5 to $7 daily. Setting the daily budget high enough gives we plenty of data to analyze our campaign. Our impressions will be high. CTR will be high too if our ad is well written.

ii. Brainstorm and research good keywords. Use the available keywords research tools to know which keywords searchers use to find our site .
iii. Write good ads that follow the keyword-title-description-landing page formula. This will increase our CTR and conversion.

This is the situation new advertisers to Google adwords find themselves. Here we will be trying to convert most of our impressions to clicks. We can do this in two ways.

I. Increase our cost per click (CPC). Increasing our CPC places our ad in a high position which in turn generates high impressions. This will increase the cost of our campaign considerably. If our conversion is not good enough we might be running a loosing campaign.

II. Write better ads using the keyword-title-description-landing page formula. Searchers will be more likely to follow through from search results to clicking on our ad. This increases our CTR.

NOTE: If we have a keyword that is generating high impressions but low CTR , it is advisable to delete it. But if the keyword is important and related to our services or product we can create an adgroup for that keyword and also create ads for it. Then test and see which ad is producing the desired CTR. Further more, deleting poor performing keywords is like deleting our past poor performance. So that, the new adgroup will not be hindered. Also, it not good to leave keywords that are not generating impressions. Delete them. Low impressions generating keywords will hinder keywords that are performing well. This is the case, because the Google adwords system budgets for all keywords and if our daily budget is low, our keywords, including the performing ones, will be shown less often. The system will not exceed our daily budget.
Bottom line; use fewer keywords for a low daily budget.


Every advertiser wants high CTR with low CPC. Typically in the range of $0.20 to $0.40 per click. But in industries where there are heavy players with costly keywords, high CPC could be the order of the day. How will a small business compete in a situation like that ?

1. Again the answer is in keyword research. Extensive, in depth research will provide the obscure keywords that few people have discovered.

2. Another way to compete is to know how much a visitor is worth to us. We have to have a good conversion rate at our website. If for example,

A click is $1 and we are converting at our site at 5% conversion rate. This means, for every $100 spent 5 visitors buy our product. For us to break even (that is, no profit no loss) our product must have a margin (profit) of $100/5 clicks=$20. So if each product has a profit of $20 on top of the cost price, then for each $100 spent we will recoup $100. Anything less than $20 margin will mean a loss for us. And anything higher than $20 means a gain in our campaign. However, due to fluctuations in ad position, CTR, conversion rate, competitive bidding by other advertisers, it is advisable to ensure that our visitors worth or click worth is such
that the profit on each product is high enough to allow for these fluctuations. For the example, $35 to $40 margin would be good .


Achieving this takes a lot of hard work and testing. Google adwords is unique in that our ads go online immediately. This allows us to test our ads as much as we want. When we are not satisfied, write new ads. We can also set CPC for campaign as well as for individual keywords.

One trick we can use to achieve this, is to initially set our daily budget high, CPC high, and write good ads. This will position our ad well, 1st to 6th position. Once we have achieved a good CTR (4% to 7%) gradually lower our CPC while retaining a high daily budget. Always remember that a high impression and CTR will get a high position even if our CPC is low compared to our competitors.


In a situation like this, low conversion is due to several factors

1. Bad or wrong landing page. Our landing page must be directly related to our ad. Do not allow the visitor to search for the information which brought him to our site. Use the keyword-title-description-landing page formula.

2. Keywords that produce high impressions, high CTR but are not exactly related to the landing page. There are some keywords that are closely related but have different meanings. For example, the keyword phrase "web pages". Our title and description could be for a software that builds web pages. But the searcher is looking for how to write web pages that sell. This results in many clicks to our site with very few conversion. So we should make our title and description as explicit and direct as possible. This leaves the searcher in no doubt as to what is on the landing page.

A good ad position is from 1st to 6th position. A good ad position is obtained by having a high impressions and high ctr.

This is typically between 7th to 10th position. A higher position is achieved by either increasing our bid or writing better ads for higher CTR

1. Keyword research . Very important.
2. Good campaign structure as set out above.
3. Write good title, description with relevant keywords in them.
4. Follow the keywords-title-description-landing page formula
5. And test, test and test. Track our results efficiently.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Top Tips To Pay-Per-Click Search Engine Success

1)Focus On 1 Item Or Product That we Want To Promote
Promoting our entire list of programs or products will be more expensive and get less targeted traffic. Instead, choose a product and promote that. we can promote other products or programs separately. Each click through should direct our visitor to the specific program or product that we're selling. This will ensure that we will have less competition in bidding for very focused keywords and a higher likelihood of reaching really interested customers. Avoid directing our customers to a web page that is likely to confuse them or where they'll have to start looking for the advertised product. Most customers simply do not have the time.

2)Find Out What The Traffic Is Like For our Desired Keywords
Most pay per click search engines have a page where we can see what and how many times a keyword was searched for in the previous month. Remember a keyword that was popular in June may not be as popular in July or August. These reports must be used as a guide. I have found that any relevant keyword attracting more than 50 clicks per month is worth bidding on.

3)Strategize Before Placing our Bid
Now that we know what we want to promote and what keywords to use, we need an effective strategy to make our campaign profitable. As a general guide, avoid bids that are too high unless we have a huge advertising budget and our product converts well. Instead, aim to bid for less popular low-cost, relevant keywords. They produce a better return than the popular ones.

4)Bid For A Lower & Less Expensive Position

For the more popular keywords, bid for a lower and less expensive position. When we search on a keyword, most PPC search engine results will also show what each advertiser is paying for their position. Remember we don't always have to be first. If one advertiser is paying $0.25 for the first position and the second advertiser is paying $0.12, we can get third place for only $0.11. A good tip is to aim for the first page, even if we're in position 15! Most surfers quickly scroll through the entire page and they do not necessarily click on the first or second listing!

Research has shown that listings at the top and bottom of the page are more likely to be noticed than those in the middle.
With Google Adwords, increasing either our maximum cost-per-click (CPC) or our ad's clickthrough rate (CTR) will improve our ad's position.

5)Write Interesting Ad Copy
The headline and copy of our text are our one shot at getting leads and customers interested. we want to tell them what we are promoting and why they should visit our site. Remember the goal is interested customers (good leads) not just anybody. Give our potential customers an added incentive by giving away something FREE!. PEOPLE LOVE FREE
STUFF! we can also include deadlines and discounts information when applicable. With the Google Adwords program, we can do this in real time.

6)Only Bid On Keywords Relevant To our Campaign
This point cannot be over-empasized. All the Pay-per-click search engines have rules concerning how relevant keyword bids are. Generally, we cannot bid on keywords that have nothing to do with what they are linking to. In any case, bidding on words that are not related to our promotion is a bad strategy. It may result in clicks that we pay for, but that do not bring interested customers or leads.

7)Bid On As Many Relevant Keywords As we Can
we can often get great, targeted clicks for only a penny or less if we bid on less popular but relevant keywords. If we take the time to bid on a few words a day, we'll have a powerful, inexpensive campaign running within a few days. Don't forget to try it out at more than one PPC Search Engine as well.

8)Track our Keywords & Entire Marketing Campaign
we can do this by checking our Reports. Each pay-per-click service offers reports. These will tell we how well each keyword is driving traffic. we can then fine-tune our efforts by changing the value of our bids or adding and deleting keywords. Regularly Check our keyword position and do a lookup on our keywords. If we have picked popular words, we will notice that our bids will change position as others bid on them as well. Expect results that match our effort.

If we take a little extra time to apply these points, we should see good results within a short period of time, depending on our efforts.

Someone has said that pay-per-click search engines (like all Internet marketing efforts) are like fishing. we must cast hundreds of times to get a few fish. So be patient and remember that using pay-per-click advertising, like ezine advertising, is an effective approach that can increase sales at a very low cost.

Higher Google Adwords Clickthrough Rates

1. Target our ads to the right Audience.
we do this by selecting keywords and phrases which are relevant to our product or service. Avoid keywords that are too general because although they generate a large number of impressions, they often generate very few clicks. To improve our CTR, use more descriptive phrases so that our ads will only appear to prospective customers searching for what we have to offer.

2. Use the correct keyword matching option(s).
Google offers four different methods of targeting our ads by keywords: Broad Match, Phrase Match, Exact Match and Negative keyword. By applying the most focused matching options to our keywords, we can reach more targeted prospects, improve our CTR, reduce our cost-per-click and increase our return on investment.

3. Target our ads by location and language.
When creating our adwords campaign target our ads by location so that we maximise our sales and improve our CTR. Target the right audience by selecting the language and countries that we want to reach.

4. Use our main keywords in the Title or Body Text of our ad.
By using our keywords in the title or ad body text of our ad, it will stand out from our competitors and grab the eye of our prospective customers.

5. Create different Ad Groups for different search phrases/keywords.
This will allow us to refine our ads and test them for relevance and therefore maximise our clickthrough rates. For example, if our service offers loans, we can create different ad groups for home equity loans (and all other phrases that incorporate this phrase), consolidation loans, student loans and so on.

6. Calculate what we can afford to pay for each clickthrough.
we will find that more focused keywords and search phrases have a higher conversion ratio than other more general keywords. It's a good strategy to pay more for clicks from keywords or phrases with a high conversion ratio than from the more general keyword groups.

7. Use highly targeted Keywords and search phrases.
Be specific when selecting keywords and search phrases for our campaign. General keywords will be more expensive and will result in lower clickthrough rates. If we're bidding on general keywords that are relevant to our site consider using the exact match and the Phrase match keyword matching options in order to increase our CTR.

8. Test and monitor our ads to get the best clickthrough rates.
Refine and fine-tune our ad to maximise click throughs. With
Google we can do this in real time. we can do this by creating different ads for each ad group and then checking which ads have the best clickthrough rates.

9. Give Google users a compelling reason to click on our ad link.
The easiest way to do this is to provide something of value for free. we can also achieve this if we tailor each keyword to our offer and use relevant terms/ words in both the title and the ad body. Use a different ad for each keyword group or search term. This increases relevance and the likelihood that Google users will click on it.

Tips for a Successful SEM Campaign

1) Expand your keyword list. Brainstorming an intuitive set of keywords related to your products or services is the best way to start your campaign. You can easily expand your intuitive list by using free tools available on the Internet, besides the search engines tools. Bid on as many relevant keywords as you can. Expanding your keyword bidding list will allow you to get more traffic for less if you bid on less popular yet relevant keywords.

2) Estimate traffic. Most search engines allow you to see how much traffic you can get per keyword. Based on that information, you can estimate how much traffic you can get for your entire list of keywords. If you are not getting all the traffic you want and all possible keywords have been covered, start thinking about key phrases or keyword combinations. While single terms are often more popular, 2 or 3 term key phrases can often bring more qualified traffic at a lower cost.

3) Promote products or product categories separately Search engines like Google and Yahoo! allow you to create several groups inside your campaign. This also allows you to be more specific with keywords and ad copy targeted to each product or category you want to promote. Each click though should direct your visitor to the specific product that you are promoting. You'll find out that you can get higher click through rates when your ads contain the specific keywords you are targeting in a group. You may also find that smaller, more targeted keyword groups are easier to manage.

4) Manage campaigns at a granular level to achieve better ROI Advertisers can achieve greater returns for their SEM campaigns when they are able to manage them down to the keyword level. As keyword listings grow to get more traffic, it becomes a challenge to handle campaign details manually. Employ appropriate technology to track conversions across search engines or seek professional support. By using the appropriate technology, advertisers can improve their campaigns by bidding on more effective keywords, not necessarily the most popular ones. An extensive list of less expensive keywords can probably bring better results, but will be a lot more cumbersome to manage unless automated optimization technology is in place.

5) Bid for a lower and less expensive position Remember you don't always have to be first. A good tip is to aim for the first page as most searchers quickly scroll through the entire page but not necessarily click on the second page. Research has shown that listings at the top and bottom of the page are more likely to get noticed than those in the middle.

6) Advertise locally. If you concentrate on a particular geographic area, why not use terms such as city, state or metro area to attract those searching for nearby providers. You may find out that adding a particular location to your list of keywords can turn out to be less expensive and bring you more targeted customers. If you are a multi-location advertiser or directory, going local on your list of keywords is imperative. However, dealing with several locations will require appropriate optimization technology to automate campaign management.

7) Write relevant and enticing ad copies The title and copy of your adtext are the most important drivers of leads and potential customers. Give your potential customers an extra incentive or advantage. People love “on sale” or “free shipping” offers, for example. You should also include a strong call-to-action such as deadlines or discounts. Limited time or % off are good examples. But remember, your landing page needs to reflect the offer in your ad. No misleading allowed.

8) Define profit-based metrics. You need an effective strategy to make your campaign profitable. As a general guide, aim to bid for less popular low-cost, relevant keywords. They produce a better return than the popular ones. You can also define profit-based metrics, such as margins, cost per lead or sale to determine your maximum bidding level. If it takes you 10 clicks to get one sale, do not pay more to get them than what you will be able to make when a visitor converts to a customer. But don't forget to account for the lifetime value of a customer when calculating success objectives.

9) Automate ROI/profit optimization based on business rules. Whenever possible, apply optimization technology that helps you stay within your budget and avoids an overflow of leads. Based on your defined profit-based metrics, set up tools that automatically deploy or pause your campaigns according to your budget caps or available inventory.

10) Track your entire SEM campaign Search engines interfaces are not enough to keep up with real time campaign tracking while enabling you to make the appropriate bid adjustments on the fly. A single interface into several search engines can often help telling you which keywords are driving traffic and converting to a lead or sale allowing you to fine-tune your bids or adding and deleting keywords right away. Some good solutions are available in the market to help you achieve that goal.